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The presence of increasingly large power-electronics equipment (inverters, converters, motors with variable-frequency drive, etc.) implies the circulation of significant harmonic currents in modern distribution grids. At the same time, voltage quality of a grid is a critical objective which is subject to specifications and standardards.                                                                                                                    

In addition to raising the effective value of the current circulating in the grid, these harmonics, if they are generated at certain orders and at sufficient amplitude, can create significant overvoltage at points on the grid and can destroy equipment, particularly electronic and IT equipment.                                                                                                           


The main objective of an Harmonic Analysis is to evaluate impacts of capacitor banks, non-linear loads and different harmonic sources on the electrical network.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

The way we proceed:

We carry out harmonic studies through:

-Evaluation of the harmonic currents generated by the load according to their characteristics,

-Calculation of harmonic propagation using numeric simulation tools,

-Analysis of the frequency impedances at various points on the grid to highlight the risk of resonances.

It is thus possible:

-To measure the amplitude of the harmonic currents circulating in each branch and the rate of harmonic distortion of the voltages at each point on the grid,

-To propose and validate solutions for filtering harmonics allowing decontamination of the grid.


We can carry out on site measurements to obtain the missing equipment parameters and validate the simulation model.                                                                      

