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Our Services

Our engineers are able to deal with the topics below with only one objective: solve your problems !

Power Systems Studies

Through modelling, measurements and simulations, our engineers will highlight problems on LV and HV Electrical Power Systems, then propose optimized solutions. we can perform the following studies:

  • Load flow,
  • Short circuit,
  • Protective Device Coordination,
  • Harmonics,
  • Motor Starting,
  • Transient Stabiity,
  • Substation Grounding,
  • Cable Ampacity,
  • Arc Flash Hazard,
  • Lightning and switching studies

Here we provide the following services:

  • EM perturbations, jamming or interferences,
  • Electrical networks (electrical surge, micro shut downs, etc),
  • Grounding and earthing, insulation failures, breakdowns,
  • Links and data networks (RS232, RS485, Ethernet,…),
  • Networks and industrial bus (CAN, ProfiBus, ModBus, DeviceNet,…),
  • Lightning effects (on site studies, external and internal protections),
  • Electrostatic electricity (electrostatic discharges),
  • Corrosion,  bearings erosion, vibrations,
  • Waves, EM rays up to 26 GHz,
  • Radio communications (GSM, UMTS, WiFi,…),
  • EM induction, micro wave oven, HF welders…

Our fields of intervention are:

  • Transformers, cables, alternators: Reduction of losses due to harmonic currents, available power maximization by using reactive compensation, harmonic filtering and peak of currents equalization.
  • Pumping and ventilation: Minimize the power consumption using an optimized couple inverter/motor; and reduce losses of mechanical           couplings.
  • Study and process optimization: Reduction of energy consumption; Cinematic chain study.
  • HEQ concept aim is to propose a living or working environment where all electromagnetic fields are controlled and minimized.
  • Inventory of environmental EM fields Measurements from 0 Hz to 7.1 GHz.
  • Listing of EM fields emitted by equipments, inner building’s installations and external sources (GSM, radars, electrical lines, railways, underground trains etc).
  • Check of measured values by comparison with standards  mentioned in HEQ label.
  • Recommendations and advices for conception and installations of electrical equipments.
  • Recommendations based on measurements and blue prints.
  • Advices before and during facilities installation.
  • Measurements and check during and at the end of construction.

We offer the following training modules:

  1. The essential rules of industrial E.M.C. (1 or 2 days).
  2. How to analyze your LV and HV network today? Electrical surges and harmonics (1 or 2 days).
  3. Networks and field bus in industrial surroundings (1 or 2 days).
  4. Electrostatic discharges (1day).
  5. HF, GSM, WIFI and radio contacts in industrial surroundings (1 or 2 days).
  6. Human exposure to E.M fields in industrial surroundings ( 1 or 2 days).